A new report by the Computing Research Association says that the labor market for high-tech workers is indeed tight, but that universities can do little to alleviate the problem because they do not react quickly to change.The report cited limited resources, tenured appointments, commitments offunding elsewhere, and deliberative decision-making as reasons fo runiversities' inertia in reacting to the labor shortfall. In its recommendations, the study called for universities to create technically oriented graduate programs, combining computer-science,computer-engineering, and information-science courses into certificate programs in "human-computer interfaces, bioinformatics, and high-performancecomputing." In addition, introductory undergraduate courses should be broadened to include business and communications skills for nformation-technology employees. More information on the report can be requested at info@cra.org.
(Chronicle of Higher Education 18 Jun 99)http://chronicle.com/
Contact F. David Peat