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To take a one week course with David Peat
Ideas provides a doorway into the ideas and writings of F. David Peat.
Mind & Culture deals with human consciousness, our world-views and the societies we build. These include Indigenous world views and new forms of non-violent social action.
Science deals with the hard sciences, including Chaos Theory, Quantum Theory, and the methodology and philosophy of science.
Bridges the interconnections between ideas, including reflections on language, art and the connections between mind and matter. Thi section also includes speculations and ideas in the process of development.
Many of these ideas are currently being explored at the Pari Center for New Learning. You can explore some of these ideas with David Peat in person by visiting the Pari Center or taking one of David's courses in Pari, Italy. For further information.
David Peat will be running a course on Synchroncity from 30 June -7 July 2003.
David Peat will be running a course on New Science/New Paradigms from 9-16 April and 2-9 October.
Write to David Peat via