F. David Peat - physicist and writer
take a one week course with David Peat
The ideas, essays, interviews and thoughts on this Web site represent
Peat's work over the last decades. For a time he worked actively
as a theoretical physicist in England and Canada. (Many of his
scientific papers
are available from this site.)
But Peat's interests expanded to include psychology, particularly
that of Carl Jung, art
and general aspects of culture, including that of Native
America. Peat is the author of many books including a biography
of David Bohm,
with whom Peat collaborated, books on quantum theory and chaos
theory, as well as a study of Synchronicity.
Since moving to the village of Pari in Italy Peat has created
the Pari Center for New Learning.
Visitors to Pari can talk with David Peat or attend one of his
His essays as well as a list of his books
and other publications are available on this page. To find out
more about his life, starting with his childhood in Liverpool,
England go to his Biography.
For a workshop with David Peat
on New Science/New Paradigms
For a workshop with
David Peat on Synchronicity: The Bridge between Matter and Mind
Contact F. David Peat
This site designed and maintained by Marcel Gordon