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Native American

To take a one week course with David Peat

During the 1980s and until 1994 Peat held dialogues with Native American elders and other Native Americans. The first dialogues were organized by Pam Colorado and the World Wide Indigenous Science Network, then the Fetzer Institute in Kalamazoo sponsored a series of dialogues organized by Leroy Little Bear and David Peat. In addition Peat had many private discusses with Little Bear, Ernie Benedict and many others.

Although Peat's contact and understanding of Native America was quite limited he did come into contact with a rich culture and philosophically sophisticated world-views. His attempts to gain glimpses of these world-views also led him to view the Western, scientific world-views in a new light and to observe that much that is taken to be self-evident and inevitable is no more than a social construct.

For a course with David Peat

Discussion Forum:

For a new discussion forum on Indigeneous culture

An earlier, archived forum can also be seen below:

Indigenous Science Discussion Forum

Blackfoot Physics also titled Lighting the Seventh Fire

Blackfoot Physics and European Minds
Cosmos and Inscape
Creativity: The Meeting of Apollo and Dionysus
I've Got a Map in My Head

Contact F. David Peat