Einstein's Moon
Bell's Theorem and the Curious Quest for Quantum Reality
The development of the quantum theory is one of the greatest scientific achievements of the twentieth century. It has led to enormous technological innovations, from computer chips to lasers, and each day physicists and engineers around the world use it to predict and explain new phenomena. What is not understood is why it works. Unlike classical physics, quantum theory totally discards causality, declaring that events on the subatomic level simply happen.
For more than half a century physicists and philosophers debated whether the quantum theory really was a complete and accurate description of reality. Then, in 1964, physicist John Bell proposed a brilliant method to resolve the issue. "Bell's theorem," says the eminent physicist Henry Stapps, "is the most profound discovery of science."
Einstein's Moon is the story of the development of the quantum theory and of the philosophical problems it poses. The book describes, in layperson's terms, how Bell's theorem works, as well as the experiments that demonstrate that reality is stranger than any of us could ever have imagined.