The Philosopher's Stone
Chaos, Synchronicity and the Hidden Order of the World
F. David Peat, physicist, philosopher, and author, continues the ground-breaking work he began in Synchronicity: The Bridge Between Matter and Mind in this astonishing new look at the emerging science of synchronicity. From Schrödinger's cat to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, this rapidly developing field draws on both psychology and physics to examine the true nature of coincidence -- the sudden recognition of the overreaching patterns that organize, inform, and illuminate our everyday lives.
In The Philosopher's Stone, Dr. Peat reveals an order to existence that is even deeper than we at first realised, a universal connectedness out of which mind and matter emerge. Most exciting of all, he suggests that the very atoms of our bodies are "conscious" of this order, giving us access to a limitless source of creativity and health. In language at once lucid and lyric, Dr. Peat explains the interrelated phenomena of serendipity and chaos science, the scientific correspondences of Eastern philosophies and Western physics, the linguistic properties of the genetic code, the connection between cell communication and the immune system, and much more.
The Philosopher's Stone is a guidebook to the way the world works based on the most exciting and revolutionary of recent scientific discoveries -- that beneath the apparent chaos there is a deep-seated order to the universe.
To read the Introduction
To see Chapter 1
Praise for The Philosopher's Stone
"The Philosopher's Stone contains enough scientific and philosophic dynamite to explode forever our customary, commonsense ideas of how the world works. Our model of the universe is being redrawn, and David Peat is one of the brilliant new architects. As Peat shows, the new picture contains qualities that were systematically excluded from the older views--such as mind, meaning, purpose, and spirit. The Philosopher's Stone is an intellectual and philosophical feast."
--Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Space, Time and Medicine and Recovering the Soul
"The legendary 'philosopher's stone' turned lead into gold to satisfy the alchemist's need for ready cash. David Peat's The Philosopher's Stone addresses a deeper need: our shameless yearning to unite with the cosmos body and soul. Peat examines trends in today's science suggestive of ways of reexperiencing this unity, of healing the rift between mind and spirit left open by yesterday's science."
--Nick Herbert, author of Quantum Reality"
A powerful challenge to conventional physics, mathematics, and their narrow rationality, this book integrates much new paradigm thinking and paints an exciting view of human potential in an evolving universe."
--Hazel Henderson, author of Creating Alternative Futures and The Politics of the Solar Age
"In The Philosopher's Stone, Professor Peat continues his investigation first started in Synchronicity, of the nature of life and consciousness, both from a biological and a physical point of view. Among many ideas expressed here, Dr. Peat explains how our scientific maps have created both marvelous solutions to problems and new problems themselves. Peat offers a new scientific insight into how complex living and 'nonliving' structures arise, not based on reductionism, but upon a natural order existing throughout all of nature. The Philosopher's Stone, written for the layman, is ideal for readers interested in deeper questions of philosophy, biology, and physics.
--Fred Alan Wolf, author of Parallel Universes and The Eagle's Quest