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Workshops and Courses

The Center will be offering a number of workshops and courses that reflect its vision and philosophy. Courses will run in the morning and late afternoon, leaving time after lunch for a siesta, quiet reflection or a walk in the surrounding countryside. Time will also be set aside for some sightseeing.

On registering for a course, individual arrangements will be made by the Center. Accommodation and all meals, traditional Tuscan cooking, are included in the price of the courses. To register for a course, participants must send in a non-refundable deposit.

A variety of accommodations are offered in Pari: the local inn or Locanda, houses and self-contained apartments, rooms in houses with local families and agriturismo - farm houses situated in the valley below Pari.

During 2001 the following courses will be offered:

David Peat: New Sciences/ New Paradigms
Ruth Dempsey: Creating New Maps for Midlife
Henighan & Taylor: Creative Writing
Giradet and Edwards: The People's Planet
Elena Liotta: Re-creating the world
Elena Liotta: Educare al Sé nella Comunità

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New Sciences/ New Paradigms
This week-long course, given by David Peat, will range over many of the issues discussed in his books and Web site including the new scientific paradigms, the links between art, science, psychology and consciousness, the nature of language and an exploration of alternative worldviews. The course will also offer reflections on meaning and values in a changing world.

Contents will include: quantum theory, uncertainty and the participatory universe; chaos theory and self-organization; language, perception and world-views (Wittgenstein, Bohr, Bohm and the Blackfoot); from object to process in science and art; from Certainty to Uncertainty; reanimating the universe.

Instructor: Dr. F.David Peat
Dates: The course will be offered twice: May 23-28, 2001 and October 5-10 2001.
Cost: US $1,500 includes meals and accommodation

For additional information

Creating New Maps for Midlife
As people live longer and healthier lives, the generation now in midlife is shattering the old stereotypes of aging. Early retirement is becoming an opportunity for learning and change, contributing to the vitality of communities and pioneering new life maps for the middle and late years. An important challenge of midlife planning is discovering a new dream for life's second half.

Creating New Maps for Midlife will help you clarify your goals, polish your strengths, and apply your time and energy to their best advantage. Course topics will investigate changing perspectives at midlife on health, relationships, work, spirituality and include and exploration of midlife heroes. The process will include input sessions on current research, small group dialogue and individual exercises.

Facilitator: Dr Ruth Dempsey
Date: July 2-8, 2001
Cost: US $1,500 includes meals and accommodation

For additional information

Creative Writing
Short stories, novels, non-fiction, memoirs, genre fiction, poetry. Our teachers, Tom Henighan and Rick Taylor, have expertise in all these areas, and more, and would welcome the chance to work with you on your current project. Whether you're at the planning stage, or into the writing itself and looking for guidance and feedback, we can help. This week-long workshop begins with round table discussions on publishing, the literary scene, markets and agents. From these you will gain practical information that will put you in closer touch with the professional writer's world. Group work on your manuscript will follow--as much or as little as you wish--accompanied by individual attention from the instructor. Your stay at Pari may well ensure that you join the list of successful writers supervised by our instructors, writers who have published books or stories, or won literary prizes or grants. Or perhaps you will simply find ways to move your project to completion, or enjoy the experience of trying out new or spontaneous work on other writers.

Instructors: Tom Henighan and Rick Taylor
Dates: This workshop will be offered twice: July 11-18, July 20-27 2001.
Cost: US $1,500 includes meals and accommodation

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The People's Planet
Increased human numbers, technological change, and economic and urban growth are changing the relationship between people and planet. In one century, human populations have increased fourfold from 1.5 to six billion people. Urban populations have increased tenfold from 300 million to 3 billion people. And worldwide resource use has increased 50 fold. By 2030, two thirds of humanity will live and work in urban areas, while most of the rest will increasingly depend on them for their economic survival.

Based on the CNN TV series, The People's Planet, by Herbert Girardet the course will investigate how the impacts of contemporary humanity and its lifestyles on the planets ecosystems can be reduced through:

  • better approaches to environmental education
  • changes in individual consumption patterns
  • the growth of new approaches to business
  • new systems of urban management
  • changes in government policies, particularly on taxation and subsidies.

Instructors: Herbert Giradet and Mark Edwards
Cost: $1,500 US, including meals and accomodation
Dates: 25 September to 1 October 2001

For additional information about this course

Re-creating the world
Self, Space and Community: a renewed approach to administrating, educating, taking care of people from a Jungian point of view, towards a grounding of the archetypes and an integration of soul and earth, matter and spirit, body and mind, symbol and action. Ethical implications in contemporary society.

This course is for psychologists, educators, administrators and anyone involved in the life of a community. Issues include the future and health of communities, their social and physical environment and the need to preserve memory and consciousness of the past. It will include readings, group-discussions, applied knowledge of Depth psychology, daily life in the space-time of a small, historical Italian community.

Facilitator: Dr. Elena Liotta
Dates: This workshop will be offered twice: May 18-20, October 12-14 2001

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To register

Educare al Sé nella Comunità
Incontro sull'Educazione per gli adulti e la Formazione permanente rivolto ad amministratori, insegnanti, operatori sociali e sanitari, genitori, con un approccio psicodinamico alle problematiche della società contemporanea, alla gestione dello stress, alle relazioni individuali e di gruppo in ogni specifico contesto lavorativo.

Progetto di Elena Liotta, psicoanalista junghiana, membro didatta dell'AIPA e della IAAP. Oltre all'attività clinica, ha insegnato lungo Psicologia generale e Psicologia dell'età evolutiva. Ha ricoperto anche un incarico amministrativo nell'ambito educativo e socio-sanitario e da alcuni anni organizza e tiene corsi di formazione per le pubbliche istituzioni. Ha pubblicato numerosi saggi e articoli.

Facilitator: Dr. Elena Liotta
Data: 10-11 novembre 2001
Costo: $300

To register or request further information

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Contact F. David Peat