Forthcoming Talks and Conferences
September 8-11, 2000
Meeting: The Future of the Academy
Pari, Italy
For further information
Past Talks and Conferences
June 23-25, 2000
The Interactive Dance between Psyche and Matter
The Putney Inn, Putney, Vermont.
For further information
January 16-21, 2000
Science, Complexity and Chaos
Schumacher College, Devon, England.
October 23, 1999
Speaking on "New Physics and New Age"
University of Nottingham, England
(contact David Brodie)
August 11-14, 1999
Commentor at Assisi Conferences "The Confluence of Matter and Spirit"
Assisi, Italy
March 3-5, 1999
"Art and Science"
A closed meeting of artists and scientists in London. Information about the meeting, biographies of the participants and a discussion forum for the exchange of ideas prior to the meeting are available on this website.
February 27-28, 1999
"Imagining the Future: Jungian and Post-Jungian Perspectives on the Millennium - an Interdisciplinary Conference."
The Society of Analytical Psychology, London
November 13, 1998
Launch of Photography's multiple roles. Reception at museum and dinner at The Arts Club of Chicago.
Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago.
November 11, 1998
Radio Interview: Sound Photosynthesis
(Audio Tape available from
November 9, 1998
"The Alchemy of Creativity in Art and Science."
Institute of Frontier Sciences, San Francisco
November 4-7, 1998
The Global Century - Assembly of The World Academy of Art and Science
Vancouver, Canada
October 7, 1998
"Embodied Creativity" - Public Lecture
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
October 7, 1998
"Space and Form in Architecture"
School of Architecture, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
October 6, 1998
Seminar on Indigenous Science
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
October 5, 1998
Seminar on Silence and the Mind
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
October 4, 1998
Massey College, Toronto, Canada
November 10
"Le processus creatif a l'oeuvre dans la Nature"
Institut International de Psychanalyse et de Psychotherapie Charles Baudoin, Brussels
October 20
"Lost Knowledge?"
Institute of Contemporary Arts, London
August 28 -31
Pannelist for "Art Meets Science and Spirituality in a Changing Economic Environment"
August 17
"Structure in Nature and Psyche"
"The Confluence of Matter and Spirit", Assisi, Italy
June 9
"Mapping Realities"
Maison de Chime, Paris
May 31
"David Bohm and Implicate Orders: The Interweaving of Science, Politics and Mysticism"
Science Policy Research Unity, University of Sussex
May 30
"Blackfoot Physics"
Dillons Bookstore, Oxford
May 18
"Participatory Reality"
Scientific and Medical Network, Regents College, London
April 20
"Native American Dreams and Visions"
Marks and Spensers
April 13
"Matter and Spirit"
Salve Regina University, Providence, Rhode Island
"Seeking Wholeness, a Comparison of Western Scientific and Native American Thought"
Conference - "Invitation de la Vie", Paris
March 9-10
"Paul Cezanne and David Bohm: The Search for a New Order"
Ineralia Art and Science Conference, Royal Botanical Gardens, Edinburgh
January 23
"Blackfoot Physics"
Scientific and Medical Network, London
"Nature and Structure "
"III International Conference on New Paridigms on Science", University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico
November 8
"Mind and Matter in the Blackfoot world-view"
C.G. Jung Society of London
October 1-3
"Form and Structure in Matter and Consciousness"
Conference on "Matter and Psyche",Padova
September 16
"Ecology and the sense of place"
Findhorn Community, Inverness
June 21
"Blackfoot Physics"
Golden Square Bookshop, London
March 25
"David Bohm: Implicate Orders and Psychic Inflation"
C.G. Jung Society of London, London
March 19
"L'Oevre de David Bohm"
Palais de Congress, Brussels
November 16
"David Bohm and the search for the Hidden Order of the World"
Public Talk, Brussels
"Codes and Structure in Matter and Psychie",
Conference on "Matter and Spirit", Assisi, Italy
"Paradigm shifts" Conference on Indigenous Justice and Healing
Banff Centre for Management
December 6-9
Faculty: "Indigenous Self-Government" Banff Centre for Management.
6 lectures on "Archetypes of Form: Evolution of Structure in Mind and Matter"
Nov 6-8
Assisi Seminar Series
Hartness House, Springfield, Vermont
October 14-16
"Indigenous Science" conference on "Spirit and Power"
University of Ottawa
October 13
"Empiricism in Science" Special Programs lecture series
Royal Ottawa Hospital
October 2
"Sacred Landscape" Keynote address, "Pilgrim's Crossing" conference
The Detroit Centre for Jung Studies
August 27-30
"Science and Spirit" Weekend workshop
The Omega Centre, New York
August 16-19
"Chaos, Madness and Health", "Chaos Theory and the Social Sciences", "New Metaphors in Psychiatry and the Social Sciences", "Chaos, Synchronicity and Creativity"
Keynote Address at Annual Conference on "Chaos Theory in Psychiatry"
Orelia, Ontario
May 5-6
"The Science of David Bohm" Memorial Meeting for David Bohm
London, England
April 19
"Indigeneous Science"
Appalachian State University, N Carolina
April 20-21
"Ecology and Complex systems"
Tusculum College, Tennessee
February 11-13
"Science and Spirituality"
Workshop at the Fetzer Institute, Kalamazoo
Nov 29 -Dec 6
"Paradigm Shifts" Faculty and Speaker
Banff School of Management, Banff, Alberta
Workshop on Aboriginal Self-Government
Oct 2-4
"Synchronicity" Speaker at
Weekend Seminar organized by The Baldwin Brothers, Boston
September 2-4
"Healing and Spirit" International conference on Self-Help Mutual aid
Ottawa, Canada
August 10-15
"Space - Time and Structure in Matter and Psyche"
Faculty of Antioch College's Summer School on The Confluence of Matter and Spirit
Assisi, Italy
June 11-13
"Landscape, Spirit and Energy"
Princeton University
"Subtle Energy"
Conference on Energy in Health, Paris
Sorbonne University, Paris
"The Bridge between Western and Indigenous Science"
Radio Talk, France Culture, Paris
"The Notion of Dialogue", Consensus/Contestation Conference
November 17-22
"Indigenous and Western World Views: The Meeting of Two Paradigms"
Speaker, Facilitator and Participant at the Conference "The Administration of Justice for Native Canadians", organized by Leroy Little Bear
Banff, Alberta
Nov 8-10
"A New Cosmology - Telling Our Story in the Expressive Arts", Spirituality and Psychotherapy Conference
Crystal City, Virginia
August 11-17
"The Spirit in Matter: Western and Indigenous World Views" The Confluence of Matter and Spirit III
Assisi, Italy
March 22
"Indigenous Science" One hour TV dialogue, with Pamela Colorado.
Broadcast TV-Ontario
March 18, 1991
"Markings, Maps and Physics" Seminar to Department of Fine Arts
University of Ottawa
Jan 25-27
"Indigenous Science: Nature's Intelligence of Chaos." Lecture and Workshop with Pamela Colorado.
Institute of Cultural Affairs, Toronto
Jan 14-16
"Subtle Matter." The Fetzer Institute
November 1
"Bell's Theorem and Quantum Theory", Physics Seminar
University of North Carolina
November 1
"Gentle Action for a Harmonious World", Public lecture
Warren Wilson College, NC
October 31
"New Visions of Space and Time" Mathematics seminar
Warren Wilson College, NC
October 30
"Consciousness and the Subtle" Noetics Group
Ashville, NC
October 30
"New orders in nature" Graduate seminar in the Humanities
University of North Carolina
October 29
"A Map in the Head: Indigenous and Western views of Nature"
Public Talk, University of North Carolina
September 1-3
"Chaos and Order in a Holistic Universe" Lectures and Workshop
The Dharma Centre of Canada
May 18-19
"Chaos and the Heart Sutra"-lectures in co-ordination with Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche.
The Dharma Centre of Canada, Kinmount, Ontario
March 5
"Creativity: Inscape and Landscape"
King's College, London, Ontario
Feb 28
"Complex systems". Lecture to Depts Physics and Biology.
Temple University
Feb 27
"Unfolding the Subtle: Matter and Consciousness" Public Lecture, Sponsored by the Centre for Frontier Sciences
Temple University, Philadelphia
Feb 10-11
"Chaos and Gentle Action"
The Kinmount Academy, Kinmount, Ontario
Cosmology Symposium: An Integral Story for the Ecozoic Era.
California Institute of Integral Studies
October 22
"Science, Philosophy and the Sacred" Two half hour talks on Channel 14
videotaped Washington
October 21-22
"The Map in the Mind" conference on "Patterns in the Universe"
Smithsonian Museum, Washington
October 20
"New Age Writing"
Ottawa Independent Writers Association, annual conference
October 16-20
"Science and Values"
International Conference on Science Education, Ottawa
October 16-20
"Chaos Theory"
International Conference on Science Education, Ottawa
October 16-20
"Superstrings and Twistors"
International Conference on Science Education, Ottawa
October 9
"Chaos Theory" Half hour talk on deterministic chaos.
CKCU-FM, Ottawa
July 14
"The Theory of Everything"
The New York Open Centre, NY
"Science, Meaning, Action and Mind" Invited talk at Conference with Native Science
(Sponsored by the University of Lethbridge and the University of Calgary)
The Nakota Lodge, Lethbridge, Alberta
June 30
"Connecting Science and Human Consciousness" Invited lecture in the "Where are We Going?" series
sponsored by Powell's Bookstore and the Rimski Korsakoffee House
Portland, Oregon
June 16
"Gentle Action" Interview on New Dimensions Radio
San Francisco
June 10,11
Workshops on "Gentle Action"
University of British Columbia
June 10. 1989
"Celebrating the Universe"
Keynote address at conference on Unity: Science, Myth and Meaning
University of British Columbia
"Non-local connections in physics and consciousness"
Conference on "The Interrelationship between Mind and Matter"
Temple University, Centre for Frontier Sciences
March 1-5
Workshop on Chaos, Society and Response.
The Kinmount Academy
February 23
"Creativity and Education" Invited talk and workshop with the Ottawa Group on educational reform. (Sponsored by Ruth Dempsy)
January 15 -17
"The Future: Counting the Cost" Keynote address.
The Royal Society of Canada's conference on The Cost of Inaction
Hull, Quebec
April 15-21
"Meaning and Structure in Biology and Physics: Some Outstanding Questions"
Temple University Conference on Basic Issues in the Overlap and Union of Quantum Theory, Biology, and the Philosophy of Cognition
June 23
"The Future of the Environment"
Talk and workshop given to the Curriculum Development group, Sesame Street
CBC, Montreal
October 1
"Physics and Synchronicity" Invited talk given at Erasmus University
Rotterdam, Holland
Contact F. David Peat